About Clevere Städte

The Clever Cities Initiative and Smart-City-Agency is a think tank, agency and NGO all in one. We are motivated by concerns about climate protection and the vision of the good life in the city. We work professionally both pro-bono and on a contractual basis. We are active as speakers, moderators, consultants, and as traffic experts in the field of policy consulting, PR campaigns, and the development of transport concepts and strategies. And yes, we love the bicycle.
Heinrich Strößenreuther, CEO
Heinrich Strößenreuther is the most successful mobility lobbyist in Germany according to the newspaper taz. He initiated the Berlin Cycling Referendum, Germany´s fastest referendum ever: The team and him boosted the "Verkehrswende" and turned Berlin´s mobility policy upside down, enabling politicians to take giant leaps instead of small steps. On the 28th of June 2018, Germany's first Cycling and Mobility Act was passed.
The keynote speaker and traffic expert has gained experience in professional positions at the Bundestag, Greenpeace, Deutsche Bahn, and as a startup-founder and consultant. Heinrich is the founder and managing director of the Agency for Clever Cities. He understands how to create change and promote topics in the media and political agenda through professional campaigning.
For more detailed information, please click on the profile of Initiative Clevere Städte, the Agency for Clever Cities or about Heinrich Strößenreuther.
You can contact Heinrich Strößenreuther by mail or under +49 160 - 9744 2395 for press inquiries, statements, or interviews.
Below you will find
- detailed media resonance incl. filter
- press releases
- an overview of the most important TV recordings and videos
- links to lectures and presentations and
- various photos for download and use
The link projects will provide you with selected project reports from the agency and the link blogs on non-profit activities, campaigns, PR events and campaign actions.
Keep up to date via Facebook, Twitter and connect with me via LinkedIn or XING. Find further websites like Yogacycling, Wegeheld und Verkehrs Innovations Partner.
Find further links to English articles or in other languages:
- Appledaily at 17.09.16: "與人車爭道太危險 柏林單車族要求改善建設"
- Bremenize.de at 03.11.16: "Cycling Referendum in Berlin: When Politicians Are Compelled to Act"
- Christian Sience Monitor at 02.03.16: "Beyond the Autobahn: Germany's new bike highways"
- Copenhagenize at 14.04.16: "Berlin Decides its Future"
- Copenhagenize at 27.09.16: "PARK(ing) Day Tackles Bike Infrastructure"
- Copenhagenize at 28.03.17: "Berlin - A New Hope"
- Cyclingfestivaleurope.eu at 31.05.16: "Cycling Festival Europe 2016"
- Deutsche Welle at 30.05.16: "Berlin mayor rejects new cycling law, despite massive CO2 emissions"
- Deutsche Welle at 02.03.16: "Berlin police struggle with spate of illegal car races"
- Deutsche Welle at 03.06.16: "Checkpoint Berlim: A ilusão da bicicleta"
- Deutsche Welle at 11.06.17: "Berlin pedal pushers demonstrate for cyclists' rights"
- European Cyclists` Federation at 05.07.16: "A new approach in cycling advocacy: Berlin Bicycle Bill Referendum"
- ExBerlinerMag at 23.02.16: "Seymour Gris: Cyclists of Berlin unite!"
- ExBerliner at 07.06.16: "Guest blog: Keep rolling, Berlin"
- Germania.one at 15.06.16: "«Велосипедная воля» народа — 100 000 подписей"
- Goodmorningberlin.com at 01.06.16: "Le referendum vélo à Berlin"
- Goodmorningberlin.com at 02.11.16: "The Berlin Senate: just as crap as that Star Wars one"
- Irish Times at 26.04.17: "Berliners finally dump the car for love affair with the bicycle"
- LeMonde.fr at 27.05.16: "Une pétition pour faire de Berlin le paradis des cyclistes"
- News Archives USA at 30.05.16: "Berlin mayor rejects new cycling law, despite massive CO2 pollutants"
- Nu.nl at 14.06.16: "Inwoners Berlijn willen meer fietspaden "
- Polkupyorablogi.wordpress.com at 16.01.17: "Pyöräilykuulumisia Berliinistä: vaalit ja Volksentscheid Fahrrad"
- Thecityfixbrasil.com/ at 07.07.16: "Referendo em Berlim: o plano para turbinar o uso da bicicleta em menos de uma década"
- Urban Future at 19.04.2018: "The Architect of Germany’s First Bike Law"
- Vogelvrijefietser.nl at 03.11.16: "Fietsreferendum in Berlijn"
- Zanoza at 06.07.16: "Все на велосипеды". Чему немцы кыргызстанцев научили"